In some societies, women are been viewed as subordinates, inferiors and weak gender while the opposite sex is seen as powerful and superior this and many other vices are to be corrected. It is undeniably painful that even in this 21st century many societies are still myopic. Women are not given the same rights as men, they believe to have a place in the kitchen, take care of the family, paid less, expected to cook, and clean. Women are by default tagged modern-day slaves forgetting the fact that women can have equal rights to participate in education, society, economy and political activities.
Undeniably, one would agree that women play a crucial and important role in the society. The role of women in the society cannot be overemphasized, they have ensured national stability and long term development of nations. Empowering women is powerful because it is the key to economic growth, political stability, and social transformation.
Women empowerment is a very strong tool in equipping and allowing women to make life-determining decisions through different problems in society. It has been in existence far back in 1975. The UN began celebrating the International Day in 1975, which was designated International Women’s Year. Over the decades it has morphed from recognizing
the achievements of women to becoming a rallying point to build support for women’s rights and participation, in the political and economic arenas.
There is a saying that when you educate a woman you are educating a nation. It would be a tall order if gender equality and education happen overnight, but for this to happen, all hands must be on deck and we must fight tirelessly towards the goal. Women empowerment is one way to get the underprivileged as well as the reasonably privileged women to come to realize their worth and potential in the face of a male-dominated country/world. Some of its importance are
- It grants women economic independence
- Reduces domestic violence and sexual exploitation
- It aids national development
- It reduces unemployment
- It makes women know their right in society
- It makes women know that they are equally intelligent
- It eradicates corruption and poverty.
- It promotes gender equality
- It gives women equal rights to participate in education, society, economy and political activities.
- It gives women a voice in the society.