About Us

| Initiatives



The One Million Women is a grass-root initiative of Women Impacting Nigeria, an intervention projected to empower one million women by supporting Nigerian budding entrepreneurs affected by Covid-19, marginalization and the menace of financial dependency that has devastated the lives of women and girls. The program seeks to promote capacity development and building, employability skill trainings, access to loans and credit facilities, mentorships and reintegration of the unemployed especially the youths.


Maternal and Neonatal child health  project is an initiative that Maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) is the one of the largest constituent of WIN’s activities, covering maternal and newborn health, child health, immunization, nutrition, and health promotion. Our strategy is to deliver an essential package of MNCH services through a variety of care approach.

To also partner with the Federal Ministry of Health and the state to support hundreds of health workers in the country.


This initiative which is an interdisciplinary approach supports children between the age of 8-15 by training them in STEM, installing in them practical life skills. The project seeks to train children in secondary school by giving them a head start in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics which would enable them help develop the economy.


Gender based violence

WIN in partnership with relevant stakeholders are pushing for policies that would create stiffer punishments for gender crimes and combat gender based violence. This seeks to ensure that the root cause of GBV is eradicated.

Period poverty

WIN Period Poverty initiative wants every girl to feel confident, capable, and clean. We understand that period poverty is a challenge many girls face, which affects their education. We teach about menstrual health and hygiene and also provide menstrual materials to young girls. We organize discussions in schools we visit where accurate information on menstruation and other related matters can be discussed openly and without shame. These ways are part of how we help in combating period poverty and ensure our girls get the education and support they need to live out their dreams.


In line with SDG 8, and to ensure that women are not left behind in sustainable development, Women Impacting Nigeria works to eliminate barriers to financial access. WIN provides capacity building, access to networks and mentors, as well as improvements to the business environment for women-owned or women-led MSMEs in Nigeria.

The WIN MSME Program is open to all women who own or lead MSMEs, we provide access to loans, growth readiness expertise, financiers, and enabling technology solutions and providers.

How to Participate