
| Volunteers


WIN Volunteer membership is open to professionals seeking to volunteer their time and skills on the WIN team, during programs in Lagos and across other Nigerian States, or within departmental functions. Volunteers are usually passionate about advancing the WIN cause thereby contributing their skills. Other times WIN provides an experiential opportunity to learn in action. In addition to an opportunity to express their passion, Women Impacting Nigeria gives perks to volunteers.

Volunteering is open to volunteers of all ages and gender. Women impacting Nigeria provides an inclusive work culture where there is no discrimination against persons based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, people living with disabilities or people living with HIV.

How to participate

  • Completion of the volunteers selection form is the first step in the selection process.
  • Volunteers must demonstrate a passion for sustainable development, gender inequality, and personify the values of WIN

How Volunteers participate in Women Impacting Nigeria 

  • Volunteering at WIN Programs
  • Volunteering as WIN Departmental team members
  • Opportunities for contribution to WIN Conference Report on Gender Gap & Sustainability in Nigeria and Annual Impact Report


  • Access to Women Impacting Nigeria Flagship Programs
  • Access to Membership Pack – including Customized Merchandize, Membership Card & Number, Certificate of Membership, and Membership Badge.
  • Access to partners & vendor services (free and discounted) 
  • Professional development opportunities.
  • Employment opportunities within the organization
  • Employability skills. 
  • One year complimentary membership package (during volunteerism period)
  • Certificate of volunteering
  • Letter of recommendation (upon request)











    (undergraduates only)


    (select all in the box below)


    (Mention other skills you may possess including soft
    skills and interpersonal skills, and your commitment to learning) (required)
