
| Livelihood


Investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth. Women make enormous contributions to economies, whether in businesses, on farms, as entrepreneurs or employees, or by doing unpaid care work at home. However, they also remain disproportionately affected by poverty, discrimination and exploitation.

Gender discrimination means women often end up in insecure, low-wage jobs, and constitute a small minority of those in senior positions. It curtails access to economic assets such as land and loans. It limits participation in shaping economic and social policies. And, because women perform the bulk of household work, they often have little time left to pursue economic opportunities.

The socio- economic status of both rural and urban families could be enhanced through the empowerment of the women, whose activities spread across almost sectors of the economy. At Women Impacting Nigeria (WIN), we empower women through various vocational, technical and entrepreneurial programs for self-employment. We ensure women’s equal access to essential services, new technology and financial services.

We reach out to women who are most in need, particularly marginalized groups that includes rural women, domestic workers, some migrants and low-skilled women. Our aims are higher incomes, better access to and control over resources, and greater security, including protection from violence.

• Orphan girls and vulnerable teenagers are taught the art of basket weaving to provide an additional source of income for their families at Basket weaving and tie dye – Bethesda school, Ikota
• IDP camps programs – Tailoring, Cosmetic production, Make-up, Henna Design, Baking and Confectionaries classes, St. Theresa IDP camp, Jimeta, Yola.
• Make- up training and traditional garment tying, The Vine Parish, Ikorodu.
• Fashion Design and Tailoring training, Abuja

Empower and equip female entrepreneurs and SME’s by providing necessary trainings and access to finance for 1000 female entrepreneurs.

Monthly trainings and seminars across Nigeria