
| Technology


Gender equality remains a challenge particularly in Nigeria’s technology sector. According to the Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics, the ratio of male to female workers in ICT was 4:1 Our Women In Technology initiative has the sole aim of advancing women and girls in technology, all the way from the class room to the board room. We have a vision for a world where women are proportionally represented as technological leaders, executives, funders, board members and software engineers.

We offer educational and hands on STEM programs that promote creativity and innovation and inspire girls to pursue STEM- related careers. By providing a variety of leadership development, technology education and mentoring opportunities for women at all levels, WIN is dedicated to closing the gender gap that exists in this sector.

Trained over 10,000 women across Abuja, Akure, Jos, Kano, Lagos, Port Harcourt, Oyo, Uyo, Calabar.

We have empowered over 10,000 women with technological tools, knowledge and resources to develop coding skills in collaboration with Urijijami and Chama Tech (Venezuela).

Encourages young women and girls to explore and become excited about the prospects of career in STEM. Over 2,000 females have benefited from this program.