Nigeria is Africa’s wealthiest, most populous nation, and its fastest-growing economy. Despite this, half of the country lives below the poverty line as Nigeria has become the poverty capital of the world. With 86.9 million Nigerians now living in extreme poverty which represents nearly 50% of its estimated 180 million population.
Northern Nigeria suffers the world’s third highest level of chronic undernutrition among children. This silent crisis is caused by lack of access to safe water and sanitation, rising food insecurity, the disruption of basic services due to conflict, and poor knowledge of healthy feeding practices for infants and young children. 7.7 million people need assistance and 1.6 million are internally displaced. These number are predicted to rise; it is time we put an end to poverty and hunger once and for all. WIN aims to distribute food items to individuals, orphanages, homes that otherwise cannot purchase enough food items to avoid hunger.
WIN Food Bank: Win launched a nationwide foodbank program providing food to women in deprived communities. In addition to this we put a skills acquisition training in place for women in IDP settlements to learn how to make these food banks so that they can gain additional revenue.
These foodbanks are then placed in supermarkets so that customers and supermarkets can donate canned and packaged foods to help their local communities. Feeding Programs : Faith Works Orphanage, Kaduna o Lions Village Motherless Babies Home, Lagos o Blind and Disabled shelter, Abeokuta o Gruku Interfaith Relocation IDP Camp, Abuja
Family Planning and Health Education Outreaches: Family planning plays a pivotal role in poverty reduction. Our monthly programs involved education about contraceptive methods and sexually transmitted diseases and also distribution of contraceptives.