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Covid 19 response


The socio-economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has pushed many poor households to turn to desperate measures just to survive. Children could face increased risk of child labour or sexual exploitation or of child marriage, as families struggle to feed their families.

In times of crisis such as a pandemic, due to increased tension in the household, women and girls may be at higher risk of intimate partner violence and other forms of domestic violence.

Disease outbreaks affect women and men differently and epidemics exacerbate already existing gender inequalities and discriminations. Marginalized and vulnerable women such as those who have been displaced, living in shelters and IDP Camps, pregnant women, disabled women and girls, victims of abuse, widows and those living in extreme poverty, need to be carefully considered in a response to the impact of COVID-19.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights require high attention during outbreaks.

Our concerns for the most vulnerable

As COVID-19 spreads, it poses a grave danger, especially in communities already facing multiple threats to their health and livelihoods. Vulnerable people will be hit the hardest by the outbreak and it could drive families deeper into hunger and poverty.

The most vulnerable women and children in Nigeria need our support now and when the pandemic passes.

We must be there to help women rebuild their lives and their communities.


COVID-19 Response Initiatives

Lagos State Covid Response

Women Impacting Nigeria Foundation (WIN) has embarked on a radical food project aimed at bridging the hunger gap in Nigeria starting with Lagos State.

We have provided nutritional meals to poor and underserved communities and neighborhoods in Lagos State. Local governments with the highest number of COVID 19 cases are Alimosho and Eti-osa.

In Aboru community of Alimosho, WIN distributed food items to vulnerable women affected by this pandemic. Part of the program activity includes sensitization on COVID 19 and general hygiene.

WIN also in partnership with Lagos Foodbank visited the Ilaje-Ajah community in Eti-osa local government to distribute food items (relief palliatives) to low income earning female teachers in the community and also sensitization on the awareness of COVID 19 to the beneficiaries.

Women Impacting Nigeria in partnership with Lagos state civil society coalition visited Agege Market in Lagos state to distribute PPEs and  to sensitize Market women on the awareness of COVID 19 to the beneficiaries.

Women Impacting Nigeria alongside LAGOS CIVIL SOCIETY AGAINST COVID-19 supports the Lagos state government and the office of civil engagement on the launch of Mother Infant, Child Health pilot programme for 2,200 pregnant women in 11 Local Council Development Areas of Lagos State.

The Objective of the Mother, Infant Child Health (MICH) programme is to provide dietary, healthy and nutritional food to pregnant women in the select L.C.D.A   of the state.

Abuja Covid Response

In Kushingoro Community, WIN distributed hand sanitizers, face masks, hand gloves and relief palliatives to a total of 150 people, where the beneficiaries were sensitized on the effects and prevention methods of COVID19.

WIN Abuja Response

Port Harcourt Covid Response

WIN in Rumuomansi community of Port-harcourt state organized a market clean-up as a preventative measure against COVID-19  and sensitized members of the community on the pandemic as well as the distribution of hand sanitizers and face masks.




The WIN Academy was created to address the impact that COVID-19 has on women, their businesses and on the economy generally. WIN Academy also seized the opportunity to advance and educate women through the use of technology by organizing virtual programs  and  trainings.

These programs include:

Self-defense Workshop – There was a huge spike in gender based violence and sexual abuse during the lockdown period caused by the pandenmic. WIN provided pro bono legal aids to victims affected during the lockdown.

WIN Academy virtual training empowered over 200 women and young girls with the techniques to defend themselves when they are faced with violent situations.

WIN Academy

Digital Skills for Her – WIN Academy educated over 5000 women and young girls on the importance of technology for the advancement of their businesses during the pandemic.

Health Talk – WIN Academy enlightened over 1500 women and young girls to be more aware of their health care during this pandemic

Dental Talk – WIN Academy educated over 1000 women and young girls on the importance of oral hygiene and health care.

Business Talk – WIN Academy educated over 2000 business women on how to pivot their businesses to suit the current pandemic state and to ensure its sustainability in this hard times

In conclusion, WIN Academy will always ensure that women and young girls are empowered in all spheres of life using the Sustainable Development Goals as a yardstick to bring about socio-economic development in Nigeria.

WIN Academy