
| Environment


Climate change stands as one of the most pressing threats to humanity, posing significant challenges to Nigeria’s ambition of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. If left unchecked, global warming will have severe adverse effects on livelihoods in Nigeria, impacting crop production, livestock, fisheries, forestry, and post-harvest activities.

Nigeria ranks 11th in the world for plastic pollution, generating 65 million tons of waste annually. Lagos, its largest city, contributes 821,000 tons of plastic waste each year, with half of this waste ending up in waterways, exacerbating environmental degradation.

WIN’s Commitment

At Women Impacting Nigeria (WIN), we are dedicated to combating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability through innovative programs and community-driven initiatives. Our goal is to reduce plastic pollution, enhance environmental education, and empower communities to adopt sustainable practices.

Programs of Impact

Bag for Life (Reusable Plastic Bags): WIN has introduced the Bag for Life, a reusable shopping bag designed to reduce plastic consumption and waste in Nigeria. We conduct skill acquisition trainings in underserved communities and IDP settlements, teaching women how to make these reusable bags. This initiative not only helps reduce plastic pollution and mitigate climate change but also provides an additional source of income for women in these communities.

Environmental Cleanup: Our environmental cleanup initiatives aim to maintain clean beaches, markets, and waterways, ensuring the protection of human health and the environment. We have successfully removed 2,561 cigarette butts, 7,820 plastic bottles, 2,810 plastic bags, 571 pieces of Styrofoam, and 1,082 plastic straws from locations such as Elegushi Beach, Gorodum Market in Lagos, and Rumouomasi Market in Port Harcourt.

Climate Education: Recognizing the disproportionate impact of climate change on women and children, WIN organizes quarterly environmental awareness talks, workshops, and climate change campaigns. These educational initiatives aim to inform and empower communities about the importance of environmental sustainability and the steps they can take to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Our Vision

At WIN, we envision a Nigeria where environmental sustainability is at the forefront of community and national priorities. By promoting the use of reusable materials, engaging in regular cleanup activities, and providing comprehensive climate education, we strive to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for all.