
| Livelihood


Economic Empowerment

Investing in women’s economic empowerment is pivotal for achieving gender equality, eradicating poverty, and fostering inclusive economic growth. Women play crucial roles in economies—as entrepreneurs, farmers, employees, and caregivers—but they also face significant challenges such as poverty, discrimination, and exploitation.

Challenges and Impact

Gender discrimination often confines women to insecure, low-wage jobs and limits their access to economic assets like land and loans. This inequality also hampers their participation in shaping economic and social policies. Furthermore, the heavy burden of household work reduces women’s time and opportunities for pursuing economic advancements.

WIN’s Approach

At Women Impacting Nigeria (WIN), we empower women through a range of vocational, technical, and entrepreneurial programs aimed at fostering self-employment and economic independence. We ensure women have equal access to essential services, new technologies, and financial resources to support their growth and success.

Programs Making a Difference

Skills Acquisition Training:

  • Bethesda School, Ikota: Orphaned girls and vulnerable teenagers learn basket weaving and tie-dye techniques, providing them with additional income opportunities.
  • St. Theresa IDP Camp, Jimeta, Yola: Tailoring, cosmetic production, makeup artistry, henna design, baking, and confectionary classes empower women in IDP camps to gain new skills and become economically self-sufficient.
  • The Vine Parish, Ikorodu: Training in makeup application and traditional garment tying expands economic opportunities for local women.

Learn and Empower Program:

  • Empowering 1,000 female entrepreneurs and SMEs with essential training and access to finance enables them to grow their businesses and contribute more effectively to their communities.

Leadership and Capacity Development Program:

  • Monthly training seminars held across Nigeria focus on leadership development and capacity building, empowering women to take on influential roles in various sectors.

Through these initiatives, WIN aims to enhance the socioeconomic status of both rural and urban families by empowering women across all sectors of the economy. Our goal is to increase incomes, improve resource access and control, and ensure greater security, including protection from violence.