About Us

| Health Screening Initiative


A woman’s health is directly proportional to the quality of life she enjoys. 

Unfortunately, many women in Nigeria experience an especially low quality of life due to various illnesses and diseases, most of which are specific to the female gender. A common example of this is breast cancer.

Cancer is increasingly becoming a threat to Nigerian women, and many women are unable to visit healthcare facilities to get screened, due to funds restraints and lack of awareness.

In contribution to women’s health care in Nigeria,  Women Impacting Nigeria has put together a breast and cervical cancer screening and awareness program, targeted at women between the ages of 21-65. 

Apart from free screening, beneficiaries are also sensitized on cancer prevention and early detection. Over the years, about 10,000 women have benefited from this initiative, many of which are residents of rural communities and IDP camps.

This free breast and cervical cancer screening also extends to free HIV tests. 

To partner with us to reach women in your community, you can click the link below or reach us via info@womenimpactingnigeria.org 

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community participation. We want women to lead, participate in government systems, have decent livelihood, income security, and economic autonomy and live free from violence.